Project Detail

Client: Monroe Shock Absorbers
Location: Sydney, Australia

Scope Of Work: Oil Mist Filtration

Schedule: November 2015

Industry: Automotive & Engine Exhaust, Metalworking & Welding, Oil Mist Applications

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Monroe Shock Absorbers

Company Details

As one of the world’s leading manufacturers and sellers of superior automotive products, Monroe requires a high standard of performance from all its equipment.

Monroe’s success began with the invention of the Brisk Blast tyre pump in 1919 and continued with the creation of the first original equipment passenger vehicle shock absorbers. Today, Monroe continues to innovate new solutions for ride control components, enhancing the safety of millions of road users worldwide.

Manufacturing process

To create their high-quality automotive products, Monroe primarily works with steel. One of these manufacturing processes involves cooling hot metal springs by dipping them into an oil bath. Unfortunately, this process creates a fine oil mist fume, which Monroe’s existing extraction system was not able to remove adequately. This presented a risk to workers throughout the factory, prompting Monroe to contact Airtight Solutions to assess the process and offer an engineered solution.

Engineered solutions

To solve this issue, Airtight Solutions provided an oil mist filter which connected to the existing hoods over the quenching bath. This specially-designed filter was able to filter the oil mist, collect the waste product and ensure only clean air cycled back into the factory.

To allow for a customisable level of extraction, Airtight also installed a pressure transmitter and variable speed drive to the exhaust fan.

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